Division 4th grade Math skills

Division 4th grade Math skills

Test, practice and improve your math skills. Includes three fun mini games.

معلومات اللعبة

August 23, 2023
يختلف Android مع الجهاز
Buy it on Google Play

وصف اللعبة

يتم سرد تطبيق Android Division 4th grade Math skills الذي تم تطويره بواسطة Sergey Malugin ضمن الفئة تعليمية. الإصدار الحالي هو 8.0.0 ، تم تحديثه على 23/08/2023 . وفقًا لـ Google Play ، حققت Division 4th grade Math skills أكثر من تثبيت 7 ألف. لدى Division 4th grade Math skills حاليًا مراجعات 20 بمتوسط ​​قيمة التصويت 3.6

Intuitive interface powered by handwriting input and a choice of three fun and engaging mini games in addition to a regular math trainer mode make our app stand out from the crowd of generic math learning apps.

With Fourth grade Math skills - Division you can practice and improve the following math skills:
- Division facts to 12
- Divide two-digit numbers by one-digit numbers
- Divide three-digit numbers by one-digit numbers
- Divide three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers
- Divide four-digit numbers by one-digit numbers
- Divide four-digit numbers by two-digit numbers
- Divide numbers ending in zeroes by numbers up to 12

تقييم ومراجعة على متجر Google Play

20 المجموع
5 8
4 4
3 4
2 0
1 4

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