Assistant Gesture Tweaks, long

Assistant Gesture Tweaks, long

Replace the long press home button gesture with a custom action

App info

May 18, 2019
$1.49 $0.49
Android 6.0+
Buy it on Google Play

App description

Android application Assistant Gesture Tweaks, long developed by Gianluca Spadazzi is listed under category Personalization. The current version is 4.0, updated on 18/05/2019 . According to Google Play Assistant Gesture Tweaks, long achieved more than 3 thousand installs. Assistant Gesture Tweaks, long currently has 189 reviews with average vote value 4.4

-Would you like to launch another application when you press long press home button instead of launching Assistant?
Would you like to remap the long press home button gesture with something else?
-Would you like to just disable the long press home button gesture?
You came in the right place! Download Assistant Gesture Tweaks now to solve all of these problems!

Assistant Gesture Tweaks app is a simple app that allows you to replace the long press home button gesture that launches Assistant with a custom action.

-multiple actions (launch a picker with the actions that you want)
-launch a picker with all apps (then choose one to launch)
-launch a custom app
-launch a shortcut (open website, send message, call number..)
-open camera
-kill background processes
-enable/disable automatic rotation
-enable/disable wifi (and, optionally, go to wifi settings)
-enable/disable bluetooth (and, optionally, go to bluetooth settings)
-enable/disable automatic brightness
-open notification drawer
-go to GPS settings
-open google search
-lock screen
-enable disable auto sync
-do nothing

Into the app you will be guided on how to setup the app to be launched instead of the Assistant. After that, according to device type, close the app and perform one of the following gestures:
-long press on the home button
-swipe up from the home button
And the custom action selected will be executed instead of launching Assistant

This app uses the Device Administrator permission. It is required and asked to grant only if you choose to perform the "lock screen" action.

To stay updated about my projects:

Enjoy Assistant Gesture Tweaks - long press home button gesture replacement!

What's New

-app restyle
-a lot of fixes

Rate and review on Google Play store

189 total
5 123
4 37
3 9
2 9
1 9

Total number of installs (*estimated)

Estimation of total number of installs on Google Play, Approximated from number of ratings and install bounds achieved on Google Play.