Zip, unzip & RAR File Extractor

Zip, unzip & RAR File Extractor

ZIP extractor and ZIP reader the ZIP opener and RAR compressor.


March 20, 2020
Android 4.4+

Popis Aplikácie

Aplikácia Android Zip, unzip & RAR File Extractor Vyvinutá Spoločnosťou VClip Je Uvedená V Kategórii Nástroje. Aktuálna Verzia Je 1.5, Aktualizovaná Na 20/03/2020 . Podľa Google Play Zip, unzip & RAR File Extractor Dosiahla Viac Ako 59 Tisíc Inštalácie. Zip, unzip & RAR File Extractor Má V Súčasnosti 1 Tisíc Recenzií S Priemernou Hodnotou Hlasovania 3.9

WinZip is the leading application, along with WinRar, in the world of file compressors. Create Zip and Zipx files, extract files, encrypt, open Zip, Zipx, 7z, RAR or LHA files, send large files by email, share to Dropbox and Google Drive.

ZArchiver - WinZip: #1 zip & unzip tool
The world’s most popular Zip utility, WinZip offers most secure and fast Zip utility for business and professional. Our unZIP and unRAR ZIP file application makes ZIP and RAR extractor easy.

iZip - Zip Unzip Unrar Tool
Zip & RAR File Extractor and WinZip – Zip UnZip Tool for your Android Phone. Never again will you receive an email with an attached compressed file without knowing what to do with it.

7Zipper - File Explorer (zip, 7zip, rar) Main Feature :
• High compression ratio in 7z format with LZMA and LZMA2 compression
• For ZIP and GZIP formats, 7-Zip provides a compression ratio that is 2-10 % better than the ratio provided by PKZip and WinZip
• Zip your cloud storage files, unzip files to your accounts and create and save .zip and .zipx files to your accounts
• Unzip major compressed file types including .ZIP, .Zipx, .RAR, .7z and LHA, RAR, TAR, GZIP, BZIP, TGZ, TBZ, ISO, DEB, CAB, JAR, RPM, CBS, and more.
• Choose Zip or Zipx format to compress and email large files, photos and videos, DOC, Excel, PPT, PDF, TXT, RTF, Pages, JPG, GIF, PNG, audios and videos.
• Browser and Documents Manager - Zip and share photos and videos and use WinZip to access music files on your device
• Convenient RAR creator and ZIP creator
• Easy unRAR, unZIP and ZIP

Unzip Files: How to Unzip a File with WinZip ?
- Compress files into ZIP file.
- Import photos and videos from Camera Roll and Compress photos into ZIP file including password protected.
- Open and decompress compressed file formats: ZIP, RAR, 7zip, TAR, GZIP.
- Open and view many document types: DOC, Excel, PPT, PDF, TXT, RTF, Pages, JPG, GIF, PNG
- Play videos and audios: mp4,avi,mkv,wma,flv,mov,3gp,m4a,wav,wmv,rmvb

File Viewer:
- Support Media Player, Photo Viewer, PDF Reader, Documents Viewer.
- Zip Viewer: ZIP, Gzip, BZip2, Tar, TGZ, ar, arj, cpio, lzma, xz or 7zip, then the app can open it.
- ZIP extractor and ZIP reader the ZIP opener and RAR compressor application also supports many other formats: TAR, GZ, BZ2, XZ, 7z, ISO, ARJ

WinZip for Android lets you view:
- Photos and images (.jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp, .gif)
- Text files (.rtf, .csv, .txt, .ini, .inf, .bat, .js, .log, .xml,.css, .java, .cs, .h, .m,.cpp,.c,.sql)
- Web files (htm, .html,.jsp,.asp)
- Apk files (.apk)
- Comic book files (.cbz)
- Word documents (.doc, .docx)
- Excel spreadsheets (.xls, .xlsx)
- PowerPoint presentations (.ppt, .pptx)
- PDF files (.pdf)

Supported formats:
- Packing / unpacking: 7z, XZ, BZIP2, GZIP, TAR, ZIP and WIM

Best Zip opener: Zip & unzip files easily
With the file management feature, you can easily browse the zip file on your phone to support moving or deleting zip file. zip extract & rar file to help organize and find data quickly with the file manager Zip, unzip & RAR File Extractor.

Zip file extractor for Android
Zip, unzip & RAR File Extractor is a Zip file compression and opening tool that allows you to export rar and zip file! Create Zip and Zipx files, zip extract, encrypt, open almost all file formats, share large files easily.

RAR File Extractor And ZIP Opener, File Compressor
Winzip file- zip extract - rar file- video compressor - file manager- unzip files- zip opener
video compressor - file manager- unzip files- zip opener- Winzip file- zip extract - rar file.

Thank you for trusting and using Best Zip, unzip & RAR File Extractor. Please leave a 5 stars rating for winzip & unzip files, zip opener!
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