CCB Hinário 5 - Cantado

CCB Hinário 5 - Cantado

Chegou o aplicativo com os novos hinos do Hinário Nº 5 da CCB. Belos hinos cantados para ajudar a todos com as mais belas melodias incorporadas no hinário 5.Esse aplicativo não possui nenhum vínculo com a Congregação Cristã no Brasil.

App info

May 10, 2019


App description

Android application CCB Hinário 5 - Cantado developed by Adeilson Assis is listed under category Music & audio. The current version, updated on 10/05/2019 . According to Google Play CCB Hinário 5 - Cantado achieved more than 1,000 installs. CCB Hinário 5 - Cantado currently has 17 reviews with average vote value 3.2

Chegou o aplicativo com os novos hinos do Hinário Nº 5 da CCB. Belos hinos cantados para ajudar a todos com as mais belas melodias incorporadas no hinário 5.

Esse aplicativo não possui nenhum vínculo com a Congregação Cristã no Brasil.
We are currently offering last version updated 10/05/2019 . This is our latest, most optimized version. It is suitable for many different devices. Free download directly apk from the Google Play Store or other versions we're hosting. Moreover you can download without registration and no login required.

We have more than 2000+ available devices for Samsung, Xiaomi, Huawei, Oppo, Vivo, Motorola, LG, Google, OnePlus, Sony, Tablet ... with so many options, it’s easy for you to choose games or software that fit your device.

It can come in handy if there are any country restrictions or any restrictions from the side of your device on the Google App Store.

Rate and review on Google Play store

17 total
5 6
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2 3
1 4